Shopkins Cake 


I must have been living under a rock, because right until someone asked to make a Shopkins cake for a little girl’s seventh birthday, I have never heard about it.

Shopkins Cake

I have kids but they are now grown to the point that they don't care very much about TV shows or latest character toys and what not.  Now, they are much into Netflix, playing Minecraft and watching others play Minecraft on Youtube.  I think some of you can relate.

When I got the order for a Shopkins birthday cake, I had to do some research because I know zilch about it.  To this day I still have a vague idea about the whole concept (is it a toy, is it a show?  I still have no idea) but I know for sure that they are the absolute cutest characters.  And Shopville is a lively, colorful place that I would actually love to live in.  I am a sucker for extreme cuteness, what can I say.

I asked the client which character is their child's favorite, so I can get inspired from there and they said Wishes.  So I Googled “Shopkins Wishes”, and it turned out to be a cake with some candles on top.  Perfect!

Because my initial thought was that this was a TV show, I tried finding an episode with Wishes so I can see the real deal.  And I did not find one.  Ok, maybe I did not try hard enough. 

So this is my version of the Shopkins Wishes, based on what I have seen others did.  May not be a true representation but I still tried to make it as cute as possible. So cute, that after I made this cake, I just have this urge to hug and squeeze it.  Just like you do when you see a baby, or a cute little puppy.  I know, I am weird that way, can’t help it.

Ok, now let’s talk about this cake!  

This was a 6” and 8” round cakes.  The bottom part was inspired by the walls of the shop and the top was of course the character Wishes. 

Making the Number 7 Cake Topper

The first thing I made in advance was the number 7 cake topper.  I did this in advance, a couple of days before, so that it will have time to dry.

I just freehand made a number 7 template on paper, and cut out two of it in fondant.  I placed a thick floral wire in the middle and sandwiched it between the two number 7 with a bit of water.  I let this dry for a day, then with an extruder, I extruded a long thin rope of fondant and wrapped it all along the edge.  Then I added little stars inside.

number 7 cake topper
number 7 cake topper
number 7 cake topper

Making the Fondant Candles

Next, I made the candles that go on top of Wishes.  To make the candles, I rolled out some turquoise fondant about 1/4” thick.  I cut it to about 3” in width because I wanted the body of the candle to be that high.  I took a lollipop stick and brush on some water and rolled the fondant all around the stick. 

fondant candles

I then rolled it with both my hands to make it stick better and to hide the seams.  Then I laid it on a flat surface and rolled it with a fondant smoother to make it smoother.  I like the candle to taper thinner on the bottom. So when I rolled the fondant smoother, I put more pressure on the bottom part, so that it gets thinner as you can see in the picture.

fondant candles
fondant candles

I then cut the excess from the bottom and on the top, I cut to expose about 1/2” of the lollipop stick.

fondant candles
fondant candles

I took some yellow fondant and rolled it into a teardrop shape and stuck it on top of the stick with some water.  I then cut out a strip of dark pink color with a ribbon cutter, brushed some water on one side and twirled it around the candle.  

fondant candles
fondant candles

I then stick the fondant candles on a stryfoam while I work on the cake.

fondant candles

Making the Cake

For the bottom part of the cake, like I mentioned I was inspired by the striped walls of the Shopkins shop.  I covered the cake with light pink color.  Then with a fondant ribbon cutter, I cut out thick strips about 1” and thinner strips that where were about 1/4”.  First I added the thicker strips on the cake.  I used one of the strips, cut it out to 1-1/2” width and used that as my spacer in between the thicker strips.  Mind you it did not come out perfect in the back but that was okay with me, I had to play around with the spacing with the last strip.  Then I added the thinner strips of fondant.

Shopkins birthday cake

Then I made the bunting banner to add the name.  I used tappit cutters and gum paste to cut out the name.  Then I added little stars and hearts all around the cake and the cake board too.

Shopkins Cake

Now for the top part, which was the Wishes character, I covered the 6” cake with yellow fondant.  Then I rolled out some dark pink fondant roughly bigger than the top of the cake.  I placed it on top of the cake, to check if I had enough to go on the sides, then I ran my fingers around the edge of the cake to get the circle shape.   Then I took the pink fondant off the cake.  Please do not do this if it is very humid and the cake is sweating.  The fondant will just stick to the cake. 

As you can see in the picture below, there is the slight impression of the top of the cake and this helped me as a guide when I cut out the “blobs” of frosting.  Alternatively, you can take the same pan the cake was baked in and use that as a guide.

Shopkins Cake

I then brushed some water on the top of the cake and place the cut out fondant on top and start smoothing it on the top and sticking the sides with some water.  I then smooth out the rough edges with my fingers.

Shopkins birthday cake

Then I rolled out a long piece of white fondant about 1/2” thick and enough to go around the cake.  This is Wishes’ headband. I used the back of the knife to make diagonal lines on the fondant.  I placed it all around the cake, below the pink fondant “frosting” and I wanted some of the frosting to be dripping on top of the headband.  The white fondant kept slipping down, so I used some pins to keep in place until it dries out.  Just a reminder when using pins, count how many you used and please make sure that you take out ALL of them.

Shopkins Cake

I made some sprinkles by extruding some turquoise blue fondant then cutting it in small pieces.

making sprinkles

The face was really easy to make, thank goodness.  Just some black fondant for the eyes, a dot of yellow for the nose and some pink and white fondant for the mouth. Then I added the fondant arms and blobs of dripping frosting.

shopkins wishes

Then I made some “piped” frosting by rolling out a long piece of white fondant, cut it in 5 equal strips and coiled it around itself.  

Shopkins Cake

Then lastly, I added the number 7 topper in the middle of the top cake and then the candles and the piped frosting in between the candles.

7th Birthday cake

Part of the order was a dozen cupcakes.  For the cupcakes, I used Cupcake Addiction's cupcake wrapper template and mostly followed her tutorial in Youtube.  However, for one of the cupcakes, I made fondant crowns instead of paper and used this mold to make the bow.

Shopkins cupcakes

Wow, this has been a long post!  Hopefully, this will give you some idea on how to make a Shopkins cake.

Don’t you just want to hug and squeeze this cake?!

Shopkins Cake


Shopkins Cake Top

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