Fab Friday Feature:
Farley Berry
from Lady Berry Cupcakes 


Hey folks! I am so excited to present to you our very first Fab Friday Feature, the very talented cupcake queen, Farley Berry from Lady Berry Cupcakes.

Farley Berry from Lady Berry Cupcakes

Miss Lady Berry makes the most adorable cupcakes and I am always in awe of her detailed work.  I “met” her over Instagram and I am naturally drawn to her feed that is full of pastels and all things cute. 

Check out some of her work below…

pastel cupcakes

Oh I can't with these bears.... <3

teddy bear cupcakes

She teaches how to make all sorts of cupcakes to all ages in her cute studio  in the UK and it is in my bucket list of things to do if ever one day I go to that side of the world.

So if ever you are in the UK,you might want to learn how to make all these cute cupcakes with her. Check out her extensive list of classes here and oh and she has some online ones too :)

Interview with Lady Berry Cupcakes 

Tell me a little about yourself, your location and how did you get into this cupcake journey.

I'm Farley I have been located in London UK for 16 years after travelling the world for a few years. I have always been an uber creative soul and took an art degree and studied art psychology which enabled me to realise just how powerful creativity can be and the wonderful benefits of getting in touch with your own creativity. Then after taking a one off baking class I discovered sugar craft and it was instant love!

How long have you been in this field? 

I started out baking cakes for orders but realised that wasn't for me as I'm such a people person and cakes were not really where my heart was. Then 5 years ago I decided I was only going to do what really made me happy and that was teaching designing cupcake toppers.  

Can you describe to us what your style is? 

As soon as I discovered that my heart was with cupcakes, I just kept playing with designs and every topper felt like a mini piece of art, slowly my toppers became smaller and more detail and I started to develop a style of detailed miniature toppers.

puppy cupcakes and kitty cupcakes

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Everywhere! Literally lol... I have a desire make cute toppers that will appeal to everyone and inspire others, I'm ridiculously passionate about designing and creating a niche style that could be recognise but I'm aware that going to take a while.

What is the best part of your job?

That I am able to inspire others with my creativity daily, it’s like the best job in the world! Teaching people and enabling them to realise how amazing they are and showing them how they too can create gorgeous sugar craft cupcakes, building their confidence and seeing those smiles creep across their proud faces at the end of class! It’s just the best!

Tell us about your worst cupcake/work mishap.

Aghhhh at the beginning I was making lots of cakes for orders and I got a courier to drop some cupcakes off for me! The driver delivered some ‘cheeky themed cupcakes’ to a 3 year old's birthday party and some teddy bear cupcakes to a hen party!!!!! :cringe:

Tell me the best 3 things about you.

Oh gosh that's hard! We Brits are rubbish and saying good things about ourselves...lol Ok I’ll try. I have a really strong work ethic and that shows in everything I do (I think) I have a strong passion for travel and am happy to work 7 days a week if necessary to get away as many times as I can a year. Meet new people and discover new cultures. And I'm 110% designed for hugs… I'm totally a hugger lol 

Pastel gingerbread house

Favourite cupcake flavour?

Banoffee! Yum!

Favourite gadget you can’t live without.

I was trying to think of something cool but the truth is I'm a bit of a geek and I love messing around with photography on my phone which comes in super handy with the business.

I know you travel a lot and I’ve been following your Instagram travel account @ladyberrytravels, you’ve been to so many beautiful destinations! Tell us, what is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?  Any travel bucket list you’d like to share with us?

Oh yes it’s where my heart is at… going to the Maldives for the 1st time made me cry! Honestly it’s breathtakingly beautiful! But then Cuba got me for its music, dancing and mojitos lol.  I'm longing to go to Moana land Fiji, Bora Bora, Arub, Anguila lol you get the picture ... 

If you could only eat 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Only 3 ?!? lol Sushi, Coconut Ice-cream and Dark Chocolate!

Conversely, what’s the one food you could never bring yourself to eat?

Sprouts! Bleghh

Dogs or cats?

Dogs every time! I love them more than humans lol

Last book you have read.

Body Positivity By Megan Jane Crabbe

If you’re a colour, what would you be? And why?

Yellow it's just joy!

When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

Go to the gym!! NOTTTT.... lol Call my friends and go for a big hot chocolate with extra cream! 

Lastly, what gets you excited nowadays?

Honestly, when I design a new cupcake and people really like it! That’s such a buzz for me! Sad but true... Knowing on a daily basis I'm doing something I LOVE and that others like what I do, makes me feel like the happiest chica alive! 

cute faces cupcakes

That was such a fun interview! 

You can see more of Farley's work on her website,ladyberrycupcakes.co.uk and her Instagram.

Thank you, Farley! 


Til next Fab Friday,

Fab Friday Feature:Farley Berry from Lady Berry Cupcakes Top

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